Fiendlist Announcement
We call on all the people, from now on, when you encounter any CCP army, police, special forces, political law, political workers or their underworld thugs who bully, plunder, abuse, beat, mutilate, frame and pervert the law, please Write down the concern person and events, write down their crimes, write down the time and place, we will regularly provide all the villain information to the US Congress and related human rights organizations, and at the same time we will push all democratic countries to follow up, We are committed to coordinating and promoting the implementation of the Magnitsky Human Rights Act by all countries. We believe that Justice has long arms, and it will not miss any fiend. These perpetrators will eventually be punished as they deserve!
All information related to those providing information will be kept completely confidential
我們同時告誡並呼籲中共各級軍、警、特、政法、政工人員及其黑社會打手們,在今天的世界,以職務、執行命令或害怕處分作為藉口來為你們作惡罪行辯護,早已行不通了。你們有很多其它途徑可以選擇。你們可以反戈一擊。如果你沒有反戈一擊的膽量,那麼至少,在開槍的時候你可以槍口擡高5寸,行兇的時候你可以不用力,強拆的時候你可縮在後面,抓捕的時候你可以腿腳不靈跑得慢點,構陷罪名的時候你指出它狗屁不通. 退一萬步,你還可以稱病,甚至辭職。
與此同時,是誰指使你們行兇作惡、侵犯人權、構陷枉法,請把他們的姓名職務、下令的時間地點和方式,一一記錄下來, 我們會留下他們相應的記錄,也讓你們在最後被審判的時候,有從輕處罰的機會。
At the same time, we warn and appeal to all levels of the CCP’s military, police, special forces, political and legal personnel, political workers and their underworld thugs. In today’s world, it is no longer feasible to justify your crimes with the excuse of duty, execution of orders, or fear of punishment. . You have many other paths to choose from. You can fight back. If you don't have the guts to fight back, at least you can raise the muzzle 5 inches when you shoot, you don't have to use force when you attack, you can shrink back when you demolish, and you can slow done your legs when you need to arrest the people. and the last, you may clam yourself ill or resign when you need to do some crimes.
At the mean time, you can record done all of the details, including the names, position and the time plus the way from the person who give you instruction for the crime, we will let them let them receive the punishment they deserve. your record also can gives you a chance to be punished lightly when you are finally judged.
We also calling all of the people that you can using any of the possible way to publish our announcement, especially need to let all of the people who getting involving in the crimes know it.